
Monday, 29 November 2010

lighting training

Our group attended lighting training were they taught us different techniques. This is basic lighting known as three point lighting important basis for any real cinematographer or photographer. It was essential for us to know these different techniques as we found that lighting is extremely helpful in creating a music video and helping to give it that professional look. three point lighting consist of a key fill and back light.
we first looked at key lighting shines directly on the person and it is seen as the main light, the key light plays a big role as it can determine the strength, colour and angle of the shot.

The fill light shines on the subject from a side angle to the key and is often place lower then the key light this light helps to control shadows caused by the other lights.

the back light finally serves the purpose of highlighting the contours of the chosen subject. 

lighting training significantly helped as it helped us to get a basic understand of lighting and we were told when playing with the lighting we can become creative with our shots create effect such as silhouettes by getting rid of the key light.   

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